You Will Never Get There, So Enjoy Your Journey
Once you consciously observe, from your own creative perspective, how each new achievement leads to another new desire, you will begin to personally understand your part in this expansive Universe. And, in time, you will come to remember that you never get it done because you never cease your awareness of the contrast out of which is always born a new idea or desire.
The entire Universe is established in that way. And as you begin to relax into the idea that you are an eternal Being, that your desires will never cease to flow, and that any desire that is born has the power within it to attract (by Law of Attraction) all that is necessary for the expansion and fulfillment of itself, then you may remember the immense Well-Being upon which this Universe is established. And, you may then relax into the eternal nature of your own Being.
It is then that you will begin to enjoy your journey.
If your goal is to, finally, once and for all, achieve all that you desire, you will find yourself unable to ever fulfill that goal, for the expanding nature of this Universe defies that idea.
You cannot ever get it done because you cannot ever cease to be, and neither can you ever halt your awareness. Yet, out of your awareness will always be born another asking, and each asking always summons another answering.
Your eternal nature is one of expansion-and in that expansion is the potential for unspeakable joy.
Excerpt from 'Ask & It Is Given' by Jerry & Esther Hicks
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